dark art

Contes capturés


The Vampire Moth: Fluttering Fangs

Contes capturés – par Bill Tiepelman

The Vampire Moth: Fluttering Fangs

Chapter One: Hollow's End The story started like any other urban legend: whispered in dimly lit bars, passed around campfires, and dismissed as drunken ramblings. But in Hollow’s End, everyone knew something lurked in the shadows, even if no one wanted to admit it. The tales weren’t just stories—they were warnings. You didn't stay out after dark, and you sure as hell didn’t open your windows, no matter how stuffy the summer night air felt. They said the Vampire Moth had been around for centuries. Legends claimed it had arrived on a ship from the Old World, clinging to the tattered sails, drawn by the scent of sailors’ blood. Some said it was the result of a curse—a monarch who angered the gods and was condemned to forever feed on life but never live. But if you asked the local hunters, they’d just tell you it was an overgrown moth with a taste for blood. The truth, as always, was somewhere in between. Hollow’s End wasn’t always a town drowning in rumors. There was a time, long before I was born, when it thrived—orchards bursting with apples, kids playing in the streets, and neighbors who smiled and waved. But that was before the disappearances. They started slow, a child here, a vagrant there, but after a while, it became impossible to ignore. By the time I was old enough to understand, the town had become a shell of its former self. People moved away. The orchards rotted. No one smiled anymore. And the only thing that filled the streets at night was the wind, carrying with it the scent of decay and fear. My parents were one of the few that stayed. Call it stubbornness or stupidity, but they weren't the kind to run. Maybe they thought the stories were just that—stories. I mean, who really believes in a giant blood-drinking moth? Monsters weren’t real. Or so I thought. Until the night it came for me. Chapter Two: The Encounter I was never one for superstitions. I'd heard the warnings all my life, the whispered advice to never open your windows after sunset. But on that particularly sticky August evening, I just didn’t care. The air inside my room was suffocating, and I figured the odds of getting snatched by some mythical moth were about as high as winning the lottery. So, I cracked the window. The breeze that swept in was a relief, cool and calming. For a while, I just lay there, letting the air wash over me. I was half-asleep when I heard it—a soft fluttering, barely audible, like the distant sound of paper wings. At first, I thought it was nothing. Maybe a bird or a bat. But the noise grew louder. Then came the smell—a thick, coppery scent, like fresh blood hanging in the air. My skin prickled. I sat up, heart pounding, my gaze scanning the room. That’s when I saw it. It wasn’t just a moth. No, this thing was monstrous. Its wings spanned nearly the length of my bed, dripping with a dark red substance that oozed off the edges and splattered onto the floor. The wings were translucent in places, revealing veins that pulsed with every beat. Its body was grotesque, bloated and pulsating, with an unnatural sheen like wet leather stretched over a skeleton too big for its frame. And its eyes—those glowing, ember-red eyes—locked onto me. I froze, unsure if I should scream or run, but my body refused to move. The moth hovered there for a moment, its wings beating slow, hypnotic rhythms. Then it moved toward me, a predatory grace in every shift of its wings. I could see its fangs now, sharp and glistening with whatever life it had stolen from its last victim. In my paralyzing panic, I muttered, “Nice wings. You doing a blood drive or something?” Because dark humor is all I had left. The moth paused, as if it understood me. For a moment, I could swear it smiled. Then it struck. Chapter Three: The Feed The fangs sank into my shoulder, and though I had expected sharp pain, it was oddly delicate. The moth's bite was precise, almost clinical, as if it knew exactly where to sink its fangs to cause the least damage but still drain me dry. The sensation wasn’t pain—it was worse. It was like my very essence was being siphoned, the life draining from me one drop at a time. I could feel the warmth leaving my body, replaced with an unnatural cold that seeped into my bones. My vision blurred as the moth’s wings wrapped around me, enveloping me in a cocoon of darkness and decay. The scent of blood and rot filled my lungs, making it hard to breathe. My heart raced, then slowed, the beats becoming weaker with each passing second. Just when I thought it would drain me completely, the creature stopped. Its wings unfurled, and it hovered above me, its eyes still fixed on mine. For a moment, I thought it might finish the job. But instead, it did something far worse. It laughed. Not a sound I would expect from an insect—no, it was almost human, a soft, raspy chuckle that sent chills down my spine. It floated back, as if admiring its work, and then, with a final flutter of its blood-soaked wings, it flew off into the night, leaving me gasping for air and half-dead on my bed. Chapter Four: Aftermath When I woke the next morning, the marks on my shoulder were still there—two perfect puncture wounds. But they weren’t what scared me. What scared me was the feeling that something had been taken from me. I was still alive, sure, but I wasn’t whole. The moth had left me with more than just scars. It had taken a part of my soul, a piece of me I would never get back. I tried to explain it to people, but no one believed me. Not at first. Not until more bodies started turning up, drained, hollowed out like empty husks. The town was in a panic. The sheriff organized search parties, and people started boarding up their windows, but it didn’t matter. The moth wasn’t some wild animal you could hunt. It was smarter than that. And it was hungry. Chapter Five: The Joke’s on You Now, whenever someone in Hollow’s End cracks a joke about the Vampire Moth, I just smile and pull down my shirt collar. “Laugh all you want,” I say, revealing the twin puncture marks, “but the real joke’s on you when it decides you’re next.” Because here’s the thing they don’t tell you in the legends. The Vampire Moth doesn’t just kill you. It leaves a piece of itself behind, a little parting gift. I can feel it growing inside me, every day, bit by bit. The hunger. The need. It’s only a matter of time before I turn into something else—something that craves the taste of blood just as much as it did. So, if you’re ever in Hollow’s End, keep your windows closed, and maybe—just maybe—you’ll make it through the night. But if you hear a soft fluttering sound and smell something sweet and coppery in the air, well… let’s just say you should start writing your will.  

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The Butterfly Collector - Fragments of Forgotten Childhood

Contes capturés – par Bill Tiepelman

The Butterfly Collector - Fragments of Forgotten Childhood

The Butterfly Collector Darla had always been a little... strange. The kind of strange that made her neighbors double-check their locks at night and whisper rumors about her creepy collection of antique dolls. But Darla didn’t mind. In fact, she relished in it. She had always been an odd duck, a proud owner of a taxidermied crow named Reginald and a wall of old doll heads with hollowed-out eyes that seemed to follow visitors around her house. One evening, as the light outside faded into a purplish dusk, Darla stood before her mirror, admiring her latest acquisition—a doll she’d found at a flea market, weathered by time and more than a little unsettling. Its eyes were mismatched—one blue and the other black as night. "You'll fit in just fine," Darla muttered, placing the doll on the shelf, giving it a prime spot among the others. That night, she went to bed, thinking about nothing in particular. Maybe what brand of peanut butter was superior, or why her neighbor still hadn’t returned her lawnmower. Just mundane things. But as she slipped into sleep, a faint scratching noise stirred her from the edge of a dream. “Probably Reginald falling off the mantel again,” she grumbled, pulling her blanket tighter. But the scratching continued. Louder this time. Darla sat up in bed, glancing at her door. It was slightly ajar, though she was certain she had closed it before sleeping. Then came the whisper. Faint, like a child's voice caught in the wind: "Remember me?" Darla froze. She blinked, rubbed her eyes, thinking she was still half-dreaming. But when she looked at the mirror across the room, she saw the doll—the one with the mismatched eyes—was no longer on its shelf. It was sitting on her dresser, one cracked wing slowly unfurling, revealing pale faces peeking through the tattered fabric. “Now… that’s new,” she muttered to herself, trying to stifle her panic. The doll—now somehow a moth—fluttered its damaged wings, each beat kicking up the dust of forgotten years. Faces pushed out from the wings’ surface—children's faces. Their tiny porcelain mouths opened as if gasping for air. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Darla said, rubbing her temples. “Moths. Of course. Why not? Let’s just add moth dolls to my list of issues tonight.” The thing fluttered toward her, the crackling sound of its brittle wings filling the room. It perched at the end of her bed, staring with its mismatched eyes—one wide and innocent, the other dark and sunken, like a tiny, doll-sized abyss. Darla sighed, rolling her eyes. “So, what, you’re here to haunt me? You’re a moth and a doll—kinda lame, don’t you think?” she quipped, reaching for the glass of water beside her bed. “Look, I’m not afraid of some freaky doll that looks like it moonlights in a bad horror movie. Just spit it out already. What do you want?” The doll’s wings twitched, and its little bow-tied body shifted as if preparing to speak. Its tiny lips moved, but no sound came out. Just the same whisper: "Remember me?" Darla squinted, leaning in. “Seriously, I don’t. Did I skip you at the flea market or something?” The moth-doll let out an exasperated little sigh—a sigh!—as if Darla wasn’t taking this haunting nearly as seriously as it wanted. One of the faces in its wing—a particularly creepy one with wide, staring eyes—whispered again, more clearly this time: "You forgot us... but we didn’t forget you." Darla blinked. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me. This isn’t about that doll tea party incident from 1989, is it?” The moth fluttered its wings menacingly—or at least, it tried. Really, it just looked like it was having a mild seizure. Darla stifled a snicker. “You’re telling me this whole spooky act is because I abandoned a tea party? You guys need therapy. I was, what, six? My bad for moving on with my life. You should’ve seen it coming when I discovered Pokémon.” But the moth-doll wasn’t amused. It launched itself at her, tiny porcelain hands gripping her blanket as it flapped its decayed wings in frustration. One of the wings tore slightly, and a button fell off with a tiny plink. “Oh no, not the button. How ever will I survive?” Darla deadpanned, lifting the moth-doll by its scrappy little body. She set it gently on her dresser. “Listen, I’ll get you some super glue in the morning. Maybe a few stitches. But you’ve gotta stop with the ‘vengeful ghost of my childhood’ routine. It’s a bit much, even for me.” The moth-doll sat there, wings sagging, as if contemplating its entire existence. Perhaps it realized it had severely miscalculated its haunting strategy. Perhaps it understood that Darla—of all people—was not the best choice for a victim. “Good talk,” Darla said, fluffing her pillow and settling back into bed. “Now go sulk somewhere else. I have work in the morning.” The moth-doll gave one last pitiful flap of its wings before retreating back to its shelf, where it sat quietly among the other forgotten dolls. As Darla drifted back to sleep, she could’ve sworn she heard Reginald the taxidermied crow let out a cackle. Maybe he was just as amused by the situation as she was.

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The Butterfly Effect Redefined

Contes capturés – par Bill Tiepelman

The Butterfly Effect Redefined

In the heart of a metropolis where history and the future entwine like the cogs of a temporal engine, a relic known as the Aethertide Amulet vanished, leaving behind a shadowy trail of enigmas. Detective Elara Strohm arrived at the formidable Kriegsmoor Estate, the last known sanctuary of the artifact, her eyes a mirror of the overcast heavens. The estate's garden was a mechanical maze, a prelude to the mansion itself—a monolith marrying stone with steel, nature with industry. Elara clutched a single clue, a photo showing a corner of a stately chamber. There, amid the umbra, was the unmistakable gleam of the amulet, but behind it, the mechanical wings of a butterfly mural called to her, hinting at the puzzle that awaited her expertise. With the image as her guide, Elara stepped past the iron-wrought gates, her stride in harmony with the soft, rhythmic pulse of hidden machinery, her intellect already weaving through the riddle of the Aethertide Amulet. The Celestial Puzzle Entering the Kriegsmoor Estate, Detective Elara Strohm sensed the observant gaze of myriad lenses, nestled within the mechanical vines—a silent audience to her investigation. The interior unfolded like a trove of historical riddles, every object steeped in narrative, demanding attention. Her investigation led her to the lineage portraits, especially one adorned with a butterfly brooch, mirroring the amulet's design. The room itself seemed a jigsaw of the arcane—a thirteen-hour clock, a bisected globe, a cryptic journal. Assembling these pieces on an aged table, Elara found herself under the scrutiny of the painted patriarch. At the thirteenth chime of the estate's clock, reality seemed to waver. The globe cracked open, unveiling an astrolabe that cast a star map across the ceiling, aligning with the globe's labyrinth. The constellations whispered of a puzzle woven by the fabric of the cosmos, a silent language Elara was determined to interpret, leading her closer to the Aethertide Amulet. The Heart of the Legacy The starlit map led Detective Elara Strohm to a chamber concealed by time's shroud. Within this sanctum of invention, she found the Aethertide Amulet, its glow a serene beacon amidst the relics of innovation. The room bore the mark of genius—a testament to the art of the possible. There, Elara encountered the culmination of the estate's enigmas: a device fragmented, awaiting reassembly, with the amulet at its core—a mechanism designed to weave the fabric of time itself. With precision, Elara restored the device to wholeness, igniting a symphony of light and vibration that peeled back the veil of epochs. In the brilliance, she witnessed the butterfly's true influence—the delicate dance of cause and effect. The amulet embodied the Kriegsmoor legacy—a pursuit to navigate the realms of the unfathomable. In the silence that followed the spectacle, Elara grasped the magnitude of her discovery, a custodian of revelations that would indelibly reshape her existence and the tapestry of reality.     Discover the transformative allure of The Butterfly Effect Redefined collection, a curated selection of items where artistry meets functionality in a celebration of the mechanical and the mysterious. Adorn your home with the Poster, a statement piece that imbues any space with the enigmatic charm of steampunk fantasy. This high-quality print captivates with its symmetrical design, pulling you into a story woven through time and metal. Enhance your office with the Mouse Pad, where smooth functionality meets the intricate beauty of the mechanical butterfly design. It's a daily reminder of the seamless integration of form and function, creativity and practicality. Engage your mind with the Jigsaw Puzzle, a tactile exploration of the artwork's depth. As the pieces come together, so does the narrative of this mechanical marvel, offering hours of stimulating entertainment. Immerse your living space in the story with the Tapestry. This fabric masterpiece transforms any room into a gallery of industrial elegance, each thread a testament to the intertwined dance of gear and wing. Express your unique style on the go with the Tote Bag. Durable and distinctive, it carries your essentials and showcases your taste for art that tells a story, a blend of practicality and spectacle. This collection is more than a series of items; it's a narrative told through the lens of artistic innovation, a homage to the enigmatic and the beautiful, designed to inspire, challenge, and enchant.

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Bloodfire's Lament: The Red-Eyed Beast

Contes capturés – par Bill Tiepelman

La complainte de Bloodfire : la bête aux yeux rouges

Le crépuscule s'était installé comme un doux linceul sur le village d'Eldur's Reach, avec seulement les plus faibles murmures de la lumière du jour zébrant l'horizon. Tout était paisible jusqu'à ce qu'un hurlement glacial tranche le silence, un son qui n'était ni celui d'un homme ni d'une bête, mais quelque chose d'un autre monde. Les villageois, enfermés dans leur tranquillité du soir, sentirent une ombre passer sur leur cœur, la prémonition de quelque chose d'ancien et de redoutable s'éveiller. Au cœur de la forêt menaçante qui borde le village, une vieille légende prend vie. Bloodfire, le dragon de la tradition d'Eldur, sortit de son sommeil de plusieurs siècles. Ses yeux, deux braises rougeoyantes, s'ouvrirent, traversant l'obscurité comme des phares jumeaux. À chaque respiration, le sol tremblait, et à chaque mouvement de son corps colossal, les arbres centenaires gémissaient en signe de protestation. La légende de Bloodfire était gravée dans chaque pierre d'Eldur's Reach et murmurée dans les vents qui couraient dans les ruelles étroites. Les parents parlaient à leurs enfants de la bête aux yeux rouges qui planait autrefois dans les cieux, un gardien dont le rugissement était à la fois un avertissement et une étreinte protectrice. Mais quelque chose avait changé ; la bête qui les protégeait autrefois portait désormais le poids d'un profond chagrin, d'une plainte qui menaçait de consumer l'âme même de la terre. Alors que la nuit tombait, une jeune fille du village nommée Aeliana ressentit un appel étrange. Elle ne ressemblait pas aux autres, ses rêves étaient remplis de flammes et de cris d'un passé lointain. Poussée par la mélodie envoûtante des lamentations de Bloodfire, elle s'aventura dans la forêt, un endroit où les ombres chuchotaient et où le sol se taisait sous ses pieds. Elle s'enfonça plus profondément dans la forêt, l'air devenant épais d'une odeur de braise fumante. Les arbres commencèrent à s'éclaircir, révélant la vaste étendue d'une clairière. Et là, au cœur de la clairière, gisait le dragon, ses écailles luisantes comme une tapisserie tissée de nuit et de sang. Aéliana, fascinée par la triste magnificence de la bête, s'approcha, son cœur battant au rythme de la peur et de la crainte. La tête du dragon se releva et son regard, intense et pénétrant, rencontra le sien. A cet instant, Aéliana sentit une connexion, une conversation silencieuse passer entre eux. Elle comprenait la source du chagrin de Bloodfire, sa douleur. Il y a longtemps, il a été trahi par ceux qu’il avait juré de protéger et, dans sa fureur, il s’est retiré dans cet exil solitaire. Pourtant, alors qu'Aeliana se tenait devant lui, une lueur d'espoir jaillit dans le cœur ancien de la bête. Elle tendit la main et une seule larme, un joyau du plus pur chagrin, tomba de l'œil de Bloodfire et se solidifia sur la terre – un joyau cramoisi né du cœur du désespoir. Le silence de la clairière était palpable tandis qu'Aéliana sentait la chaleur de la larme du dragon dans sa paume. C'était un moment suspendu dans le temps, une alliance entre l'humain et le dragon, scellant une promesse tacite. Avec l'éclat de la gemme pour guide, Aéliana savait ce qu'elle devait faire. Elle murmura le vœu de restaurer l'honneur de Bloodfire et de réconcilier les méfaits passés de son peuple. Alors que les premières lueurs de l'aube caressaient les lisières de la forêt, un complot des plus ignobles se déroulait au cœur d'Eldur's Reach. Le conseil du village, motivé par l'avidité et les histoires d'un trésor de dragons, avait décidé de mettre fin une fois pour toutes à la menace de Bloodfire. Ignorant le lien sacré qu'il partageait autrefois avec le village, ils rassemblèrent leurs armes, chacune gravée de runes de silence pour dissimuler leur intention perfide. Aéliana courait contre la montre, le joyau du dragon brûlant brillamment contre sa poitrine. Elle atteignit le village alors que le conseil se préparait à marcher, et avec le pouvoir de la gemme amplifiant sa voix, elle les appela, les suppliant de se souvenir de leur héritage et de la vraie nature du dragon. Mais les cœurs des hommes sont souvent endurcis par l’avarice, et ses supplications sont tombées dans l’oreille d’un sourd. Le choc des idéaux a dégénéré en chaos. Aéliana, se tenant fermement sur le chemin de la foule armée, était la seule sentinelle contre une marée de destruction imminente. C'est alors que le ciel s'assombrit et qu'une grande ombre balaya le village. Bloodfire était venu, non pas avec fureur, mais avec une grâce douloureuse. Sa présence remplissait le ciel, et ses yeux, jumeaux de deuil, cherchaient Aeliana au milieu de la foule. Les villageois s'arrêtèrent, leurs armes tremblant à la main. La lamentation de Bloodfire, une mélodie d'angoisse et de remords, résonnait dans chaque âme, réveillant les souvenirs d'une époque où le dragon et l'homme ne faisaient qu'un. Les runes du silence s'effondrèrent, leur magie incapable de résister à la pureté du chagrin de Bloodfire. Aéliana s'avança, sa voix claire et résonante. Elle parlait de pardon, d'unité et d'un avenir où le dragon et l'homme pourraient coexister. Touchés par la vérité de ses paroles et par le véritable chagrin du dragon à qui ils avaient fait du tort, les villageois baissèrent leurs armes, les yeux ouverts sur l'injustice qu'ils étaient sur le point de commettre. Bloodfire, autrefois gardien d'Eldur's Reach, regardait maintenant les visages de ceux qu'il avait juré de protéger il y a longtemps. Dans leurs yeux, il voyait l’aube de la compréhension et les premiers pas vers l’expiation. Clin d'œil à Aéliana, la porteuse de la larme du dragon, il s'envola vers les cieux, sa forme ne faisant plus qu'un avec la lumière du soleil levant. Les lamentations de la Bête aux Yeux Rouges s'étaient terminées, non pas par un bain de sang, mais par une réconciliation. Et tandis que la paix revenait à Eldur's Reach, la légende de Bloodfire a pris un nouveau verset, celui de l'espoir et des liens reforgés dans les feux de la rédemption. C'est ainsi que l'histoire de Bloodfire's Lament : The Red-Eyed Beast est racontée, un rappel du pouvoir durable de l'empathie et des liens indissolubles qui nous unissent tous. Mais l'histoire ne s'arrête pas là; il perdure, non seulement dans les légendes chuchotées, mais dans l'essence même d'Eldur's Reach et au-delà. Pour ceux qui souhaitent conserver un morceau de cet héritage, un fragment du mythe qu'est l'histoire de Bloodfire, les artisans du village ont créé une gamme de souvenirs, insufflant à chaque objet l'esprit du conte du dragon. Les autocollants de la bête aux yeux rouges Laissez la saga continuer sur vos effets personnels avec ces autocollants vibrants, symbole de la légende durable que vous pouvez coller à votre monde. Chaque autocollant, réalisé avec le plus grand soin, est un hommage au féroce gardien d'Eldur's Reach, prêt à apporter la magie du monde de Bloodfire dans votre quotidien. La bête aux yeux rouges Poster Décorez vos murs avec l'affiche Bloodfire's Lament, un phare de l'histoire déchirante du dragon et un ajout spectaculaire à n'importe quel espace. Cette affiche nous rappelle quotidiennement le voyage du dragon, de l'isolement à la réconciliation, un voyage qui reflète notre propre chemin vers la compréhension et la paix. La bête aux yeux rouges Tentures Enveloppez-vous dans la chaleur de la tapisserie Bloodfire's Lament, une œuvre d'art luxueuse qui vous invite dans le monde riche des traditions d'Eldur. Chaque fil est tissé avec la passion ardente et le profond chagrin de la bête aux yeux rouges, créant une tapisserie qui est autant une œuvre d'art qu'une partie de la légende elle-même. La bête aux yeux rouges Impression métallique Pour une pièce intemporelle, choisissez l'imprimé métallique Bloodfire's Lament, un hommage durable et saisissant au conte du dragon. Cette impression métallique capture l'essence de la fureur de Bloodfire et la profondeur de ses yeux, offrant une tranche immortelle de l'histoire qui pourra embellir votre maison pour les générations à venir. L'héritage de Bloodfire's Lament perdure, non seulement dans le cœur de ceux qui s'en souviennent, mais aussi dans ces artefacts, chacun étant une toile pour le conte qui est devenu une partie de notre identité. Invitez la légende dans votre vie et laissez l'histoire de Bloodfire enflammer à nouveau votre imagination.

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Twilight Coronation in the Rose Dominion

Contes capturés – par Bill Tiepelman

Couronnement crépusculaire dans le Domaine des Roses

Au cœur voilé du Rose Dominion, où les murmures des anciens balancent les cieux étoilés et où la caresse du soleil crépusculaire orne la terre d'une touche amoureuse, une cérémonie d'une signification intemporelle se déroule. L’air même bourdonne d’une magie aussi vieille que le cosmos, et le bois lui-même respire en prévision du couronnement crépusculaire. Le Faune, seigneur des bois sauvages, se dresse haut, sa forme imposante est une symphonie du plus bel art de la nature. Ses cornes, grandioses et sinueuses comme les arbres centenaires alentour, sont ornées de runes qui brillent doucement, témoignage du savoir sacré qu'elles détiennent. Sa peau, une tapisserie de motifs tourbillonnants, parle des secrets de la terre, et ses yeux, reflétant la profondeur incalculable des bois, scintillent de la sagesse de mille vies. Son sceptre, chef-d'œuvre formé à partir des branches noueuses des arbres sentinelles, est un phare d'autorité, enraciné dans l'âme même de la forêt. Il murmure le pouvoir inflexible de la vie qui coule dans les veines de la nature, un serment tacite de protéger le caractère sacré de la nature. À ses côtés, la Reine se tient avec une dignité tranquille qui dément le formidable pouvoir qu’elle exerce. Sa robe, une cascade du rouge le plus profond, est comme une rivière de roses en pleine floraison, chaque pétale étant orné de l'essence de la vie elle-même. Sa couronne, un ensemble fragile mais redoutable de ronces et de perles de rosée matinale, encadre son visage, un visage au commandement serein qui illumine la nuit de sa beauté. Le moment est suspendu dans le temps , alors que les créatures de la forêt, du plus petit insecte à la plus insaisissable des ombres, se rassemblent dans un cercle silencieux de révérence. Il y a une pause, une respiration, un battement de cœur, puis les chênes centenaires commencent leur chant, une mélodie grave et rythmée qui résonne au cœur de la terre. Les mains des monarques se touchent et un frisson parcourt le pays. C'est le toucher qui fait naître le printemps après les hivers les plus rigoureux, le toucher qui fait fleurir les roses, le toucher qui lie le destin de tous les êtres vivants. Et alors qu’ils prononcent ce vœu, un vœu aussi vieux que les étoiles qui regardent au-dessus de leur tête, un élan de vie explose dans une explosion de couleurs et de parfums. Les roses, gardiennes du Dominion, déploient leurs fleurs dans un spectacle de couleurs, leur parfum est un parfum enivrant qui emplit l'air. Les rivières, captant les dernières lueurs du soleil, se transforment en argent fondu, leurs eaux chantant de joie. Et au-dessus, les étoiles scintillent de joie, leur lumière argentée étant une bénédiction pour la terre. Il s’agit du couronnement crépusculaire dans le Rose Dominion, pas seulement une cérémonie, mais la danse de la vie elle-même, la promesse éternelle de croissance, de force et d’un lien indissoluble entre les dirigeants et leur royaume. Et alors que la nuit s'approfondit, le Faune et sa Reine entrent dans leur royaume, leur règne faisant écho au pouls intemporel du cœur de la forêt.

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