Foxilated Poster
Once upon a time, in a magical forest, nestled between towering trees and sparkling streams, there lived a red fox named Ember. Despite its humble appearance, Ember possessed an extraordinary gift—the ability to morph its fur into mesmerizing patterns that enchanted anyone who laid eyes upon it.
Ember's fur was no ordinary fur; it took the form of intricate fractal designs inspired by the universe's hidden geometries. Geometric shapes intertwined, creating a symphony of colors and lines that seemed to dance upon the fox's sleek body.
One moonlit night, as Ember roamed through the enchanted forest, a group of woodland creatures stumbled upon its mesmerizing presence. Birds fluttered above, their plumage matching the fox's intricate patterns. Even the trees seemed to sway in rhythm, mimicking the geometric dance.
As Ember elegantly trotted through the forest, the fox's fluid details glimmered under the moonlight. The sharp lines, meticulously etched onto its fur, radiated an otherworldly glow. A harmony of blues, purples, and fiery reds merged effortlessly, reaffirming the fox's status as a living work of art.
Word spread throughout the forest, attracting creatures from far and wide who sought solace and inspiration in Ember's radiant presence. Each visitor was captivated by the intricate details and hypnotic colors, unable to tear their gazes away from the masterpiece that Ember embodied.
Ember, with its fractal fur and geometric patterns, became a symbol of beauty, creativity, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. As the seasons changed, so did the fox's patterns, continuously mesmerizing and evoking awe in everyone who had the privilege to witness this wondrous creation.
.: 175 gsm fine art paper
.: Matte finish
.: Multiple sizes
.: For indoor use
.: NB! Due to the production process of these posters, please allow for slight size deviations with a tolerance +/- 1/16".
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