
Captured Tales


Hocus Pocus Tortoise

Captured Tales – by Bill Tiepelman

Hocus Pocus Tortoise

The Hocus Pocus Tortoise It was Halloween night, and Carl wasn’t feeling the spooky spirit. While his neighbors adorned their lawns with inflatable skeletons and fake gravestones, Carl preferred something quieter—Netflix and boxed wine. However, when he stepped outside to take out the trash, he noticed something strange at his front door. A tortoise. But not just any tortoise. This one wore a purple witch’s hat, with a buckle gleaming in the moonlight, and its shell was carved like a jack-o'-lantern. A small cauldron bubbled beside it, and Carl swore he heard... cackling? “Alright, I’ve seen weirder stuff after a couple glasses,” Carl mumbled. He approached the tortoise cautiously. “What’s your deal, little guy?” The tortoise blinked slowly, then—much to Carl's disbelief—spoke. “Not so little, are we now? I’m a magical tortoise, buddy. Call me Hexley.” “A talking tortoise. Yeah, sure, why not. How many drinks have I had?” Carl rubbed his eyes and looked around, but the street was empty except for Hexley. “Alright, let’s play along. What do you want, Hexley?” “Oh, it’s not what I want, it’s what you need,” Hexley said with a sly grin, his eyes twinkling beneath the brim of his oversized witch hat. “I sense you’ve been avoiding the fun, Carl. Don’t think I don’t know about your sad attempt at avoiding Halloween by binge-watching rom-coms.” “Wait, how do you know my name?” Carl stammered, stepping back. Hexley’s shell glowed faintly orange as he chuckled. “Buddy, I’m not just any tortoise. I’m the Hocus Pocus Tortoise! Halloween is my domain. And right now, you’re my project.” Chaos Unleashed Before Carl could object, Hexley waved a claw in the air, and suddenly, Carl’s once-boring front yard exploded into a full-blown Halloween carnival. Pumpkins swirled through the air, turning into enormous jack-o’-lanterns with flaming eyes. Skeletons danced on his lawn, and somehow, his trash bin had transformed into a candy dispenser shooting full-sized chocolate bars. “Whoa, whoa! Stop, stop!” Carl shouted, nearly tripping over a rogue black cat that dashed past him. “I didn’t ask for this!” Hexley grinned wider. “That’s the beauty of it. No one asks for a magical tortoise to ruin—or rather, improve—their evening. But here I am.” He waddled slowly toward Carl, his shell glowing with every step. “Now, how about we liven you up a little?” With another wave of his claw, Carl felt a strange tingle in his body. He looked down and—what the hell?—he was now dressed in a pirate costume, complete with a hook for a hand, an eye patch, and a bottle of rum. “I look like an idiot!” Carl yelled, though part of him found the situation strangely hilarious. “That’s the point, matey,” Hexley said, now perched atop a conjured treasure chest. “You’re supposed to let loose! Life’s too short to be boring. Besides, the neighborhood Halloween party starts in ten minutes. You’re going as Captain Carl.” “I don’t even like parties!” Carl protested, but Hexley just shook his head. The Wildest Night As if on cue, his phone buzzed. It was a notification from the neighbors: “Halloween Block Party. Join us, Carl! Don’t be a buzzkill this year.” Carl sighed, knowing Hexley wasn’t about to take ‘no’ for an answer. “Come on, Captain Carl,” Hexley said with a wink. “It’s not every day you get invited to the party of the year by a magical tortoise. Let’s go make some chaos.” And so, with a combination of resignation and curiosity, Carl grabbed his bottle of rum and followed Hexley down the street. His neighbors were already gathering, dressed as zombies, superheroes, and werewolves, but none of them had a tortoise with a pumpkin shell casting spells left and right. Before he knew it, Carl was the center of attention, thanks to Hexley. The tortoise had turned the punch bowl into a fountain of margaritas, the party snacks into gourmet appetizers, and at one point, he enchanted the music playlist to only play ‘Monster Mash’ on a loop. But somehow, everyone loved it. By the end of the night, Carl found himself laughing more than he had in years. He’d won the costume contest (because of course, a magical tortoise’s creation would win), danced like an idiot, and even made a couple of new friends. A Bewitching End As the party wound down and the crowd began to disperse, Carl sat on the curb with Hexley beside him, nursing a final drink. “Okay, I’ll admit it,” Carl said, wiping his brow. “You were right. I needed this.” Hexley gave a slow nod. “Of course, I was right. I’m always right.” He smirked, tipping his witch hat. “Now, next year, we’ll turn it up even more. Maybe I’ll turn you into a werewolf, or a sexy vampire. We’ll see.” Carl chuckled, shaking his head. “No more surprises. One night of magical chaos is enough for me, thanks.” Hexley just grinned. “We’ll see about that, Carl. We’ll see.” And with that, the Hocus Pocus Tortoise vanished into the mist, leaving Carl to wonder if any of it had been real at all. Except for the fact that he was still in a pirate costume, and his lawn still had a skeleton breakdancing under the moonlight. “Next year’s gonna be even weirder, isn’t it?” Carl muttered, as he stumbled back inside, kicking a pumpkin out of the way. “Dammit, Hexley.”     Bring Hexley's Magic Home If Hexley's mischief has sparked your Halloween spirit, you can bring a bit of the magic home with you. Whether you're decorating or gifting, these Hocus Pocus Tortoise products will cast a fun spell on your home: Hocus Pocus Tortoise Framed Print – Capture the essence of Hexley’s whimsical charm with this high-quality framed print. Perfect for adding a spooky yet playful vibe to any room. Hocus Pocus Tortoise Puzzle – Love a challenge? Piece together this magical tortoise while sipping on your favorite Halloween treat. Hocus Pocus Tortoise Greeting Cards – Send some spooky fun to friends with these delightful greeting cards, featuring Hexley in all his Halloween glory. Hocus Pocus Tortoise Coffee Mug – Start your mornings with a bit of mischief! This mug is the perfect companion for sipping your brew and plotting your own magical adventures. Whether you're decorating for Halloween or simply love the idea of a magical tortoise making your life more interesting, these products are sure to make Hexley a part of your world.

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The Enigmatic Zombie Gnome: Brain on the Rocks

Captured Tales – by Bill Tiepelman

The Enigmatic Zombie Gnome: Brain on the Rocks

It wasn’t easy being undead. And for a gnome, it was especially awkward. Gerald, formerly known as “Gerald the Garden Defender,” now just went by “The Enigmatic Zombie Gnome.” Partly because it sounded mysterious, but mostly because no one in their right mind would mess with a brain-holding zombie gnome. Gerald, once a proud protector of suburban lawns, had been through some stuff. It all started when some dipshit sorcerer—probably fresh off his third Dungeons & Dragons campaign—decided he needed a few gnome corpses for "experiments." A couple of chants, a blood moon, and one botched spell later, Gerald and his fellow garden buddies were up and walking. Except now, they weren’t trimming hedges or scaring squirrels. No, they were dragging their sorry, rotting butts around, contemplating life’s bigger questions. Like, “Why the hell was Gerald holding a brain?” “This can’t be mine,” Gerald muttered, staring at the dripping, mushy mass in his hand. He squeezed it lightly. A satisfying squelch. “Feels a little too fresh to be mine, honestly. Or maybe I’ve just been dead too long to remember.” He scratched his cobweb-covered hat, which, let’s be real, was holding on to its last shred of dignity by a thread. Literally. Wandering around the garden, Gerald glanced at the other zombie gnomes. Steve—who still had a daisy growing out of his eye socket—was gnawing on a stick. Classic Steve. And Larry? Larry just stared into the distance with a vacant look, drool pooling on his chin. Probably thinking deep thoughts about existentialism or some crap. Or maybe he was just wondering where his pants went. It was a toss-up. “Right,” Gerald mumbled, tossing the brain up like a football. He caught it with an impressive splat. “Guess I should find the idiot this belongs to.” Gerald was no hero. He didn’t give two dead rat turds about whose brain it was. But he also didn’t want to be mistaken for some gory IKEA mascot lugging a squishy accessory everywhere. He had standards. Off to the Neighbors Gerald shuffled past the rusty garden gate and out onto the sidewalk. The sun was setting—thankfully, because zombie gnomes in broad daylight? Not exactly “incognito.” The first stop was Mr. and Mrs. Johnson’s place next door. They were old, weird, and smelled like prune juice, but if anyone’s brain had spontaneously vacated their skull, it was probably one of them. Gerald gave the doorbell a try, but his green, decomposing finger went straight through it. “Perfect,” he groaned. He was about to kick the door in when Mrs. Johnson opened it, staring wide-eyed at the gnome standing on her welcome mat, brain in hand. “Oh dear, what have you got there?” she asked, squinting through thick bifocals. Gerald groaned. If she had a brain at all, it was clearly on its last neurons. “Is this yours?” Gerald asked, thrusting the brain toward her like a broken UPS package. “Found it in the garden. Thought you might’ve dropped it. Though honestly, if it was yours, you probably wouldn’t even notice. No offense.” Mrs. Johnson tilted her head. “I don’t think so, dear. I’m quite sure mine’s still in here somewhere.” She tapped her temple with a bony finger. “Right. Yeah, sure,” Gerald muttered under his breath. “Well, if you happen to lose it, you know where to find me.” He waved the brain for emphasis, letting a chunk of it plop onto her doorstep. “Whoops. My bad.” And with that, he shuffled off down the street. The Bar Crawl Next stop, the local dive bar. Maybe someone there had misplaced their brain—Gerald certainly wouldn’t be surprised, judging by the clientele. The bar was dimly lit, reeked of stale beer, and was populated by the same two guys who had probably been glued to their stools since the Reagan administration. Gerald dragged himself in, brain still in tow, and plopped onto a stool. The bartender—a grizzled man who looked like he’d seen one too many zombie flicks—just stared. “We don’t serve gnomes,” he grunted, polishing a glass with all the enthusiasm of someone hoping for an early death. “Not here for a drink,” Gerald replied, propping the brain on the counter. “Unless you’ve got something that’ll make this less squishy. Got any formaldehyde on tap?” The bartender raised an eyebrow. “Buddy, if that’s your brain, I think you’ve had enough drinks already.” “Ha. Ha. Hilarious,” Gerald said with a roll of his milky, undead eyes. “But seriously. Anyone lose this? Saw some of your regulars out back, and let’s be honest, this brain probably has more function than half of them combined.” The bartender snorted, wiping down the counter. “Try the morgue, pal. Maybe someone there’s missing a few marbles.” Some Questions Are Best Left Unanswered By the end of the night, Gerald still hadn’t found the owner of the brain. And after running into a couple of particularly brainless joggers, he was starting to wonder if it was worth keeping around at all. He gave it a last squish, smirking at the satisfying sound. “You know what? Screw it,” Gerald decided, tossing the brain into a nearby hedge. “Someone’ll find it. Or not. Either way, I’m done being the neighborhood lost-and-found.” He stretched, groaning as his bones popped. “Back to the garden for me. Maybe tomorrow I’ll lose a limb and someone will return it. Or maybe, just maybe, I’ll find out whose dog keeps crapping on my lawn.” As Gerald shuffled back to his post, he couldn’t help but smile. Being undead was a pain in the ass, but hey—at least he wasn’t completely brainless. Unlike Steve.

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Shadow of the Crescent Curse

Captured Tales – by Bill Tiepelman

Shadow of the Crescent Curse

There’s something about cats and moonlight that always felt... magical. But not the fairy-tale kind of magic. No, we’re talking about the kind that comes with a side of eerie glowing eyes, a faint whiff of brimstone, and the unsettling feeling that you’ve just made a very, very poor life decision. Meet Lucifer—yes, that’s his name, and no, he didn’t pick it. Blame the witch who adopted him. Lucifer was your standard black cat: sleek fur, a disdain for humans, and a penchant for knocking over things you’d just organized. He had it all. Until one fateful Halloween night under the crescent moon, when things took a turn for the weird. The Devil's In The Details Lucifer, already burdened with a rather dramatic name, woke up feeling... different. His reflection in the mirror seemed off. Not because he was vain (though let’s be real, he looked good), but because two small, very noticeable devil horns were now poking through the fur on his head. "Cute, right?" said the witch, cackling in the background as she stirred something bubbling and green in her cauldron. “It’s just a little spell I whipped up.” Lucifer glared. Cute? He was a demon now. Well, at least a low-level one with horns and a newfound fondness for spooking anyone who dared cross his path. Fractals and Wings, Oh My! As if the horns weren’t enough, things escalated. Slowly but surely, swirling fractal wings began to emerge, glowing with a soft, eerie light. Oh yes, now he was a full-on mystical creature. His wings stretched out, crackling with subtle, semi-abstract patterns that looked like they had been plucked straight from a Salvador Dalí painting on a hallucinogenic trip. Lucifer admired his new additions. "Okay," he thought, "this might not be so bad." The wings gave him an air of mystery—a sort of "don’t mess with me, I’m probably cursed" vibe that even the witch seemed mildly impressed by. The Evil Grin Then came the grin. It started small, a twitch of the whiskers, a little gleam in his eyes. Soon, it grew into a full, devilish smirk that would give even the most hardened Halloween ghoul second thoughts. And that’s when Lucifer knew: this was his moment. As he prowled through the witch’s cobblestone courtyard, his new wings casting faint fractal shadows on the ground, Lucifer embraced his new devilish identity. He was a creature of the night now—part cat, part demon, all trouble. The villagers would whisper of the black cat with glowing wings, an evil grin, and the aura of curses. It was everything he never knew he wanted. A New Beginning Under the Crescent Moon So, there he sits, perched beneath the crescent moon, with devil horns and fractal wings that shimmer in the darkness. The witch calls it the Crescent Curse, but Lucifer prefers to think of it as an upgrade. Why settle for ordinary when you could be the most sinister, most cursed, and oddly cute creature to ever prowl the night? If you ever find yourself out on a cold autumn night, watch for the faint glow of fractal wings under the moonlight. If you’re lucky (or unlucky, depending on your perspective), you might just catch a glimpse of Lucifer flashing his evil grin. But be warned—cross his path, and you might end up part of his next trick. Or treat. Or both. Happy Haunting!   Bring a touch of Lucifer's mysterious charm to your daily routine with the Shadow of the Crescent Curse mouse pad. Featuring the captivating artwork of the demon cat with fractal wings and an ominous full moon backdrop, this mouse pad is perfect for those who love a little magic and mystery in their workspace. The smooth surface offers precision for both work and play, while the non-slip rubber base ensures stability even during the most intense tasks. Whether you're a gamer or just want to add a dash of supernatural flair to your desk, this mouse pad makes every click a little more enchanting. Ready to invite Lucifer to your desktop? Grab your mouse pad now and let the magic begin! Lucifer’s tale doesn’t have to end under the crescent moon. If his eerie charm, glowing wings, and mischievous grin have cast their spell on you, there’s more to explore. Step deeper into the magic and let this feline trickster accompany you beyond the page. Every detail of the artwork brings Lucifer’s unique blend of whimsy and mischief to life—waiting to find a new home. Discover the full collection and see how the Crescent Curse continues to unfold in all its enchanting forms. Catch a glimpse of Lucifer's next move here.

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